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Piotnet Grid 2.0 Beta 1 Now Available

Dear Piotnet Forms Community,

Piotnet Grid 2.0 Beta 1 now available.

In this version we focus on integration with Bricks Builder, a prominent page builder recently. Especially Piotnet Grid now could be used for Bricks’s Loop builder. This is the document.

The plugin is also coming with new interface – much more friendly, very convenient and less clicks.

In Beta 2 coming later, Map Facet and LearnDash integration are going to be introduced.

How to test

To test the Beta version, just download directly from your License Manager then install, or do the following steps:

1. In your site WP Dashboard, access Piotnet Grid general settings, enable “Subscribe to Beta Updates”

2. In WordPress Update-Core, click Check again

3. In WP Plugins manager, update Pionet Grid 2.0.0-Beta 1

Hopefully you will get good experience, we are looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Thank you very much!