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How to Install & Activate License


Congratulations on signing up for Piotnet Grid. This guide walks you through the entire process of installing and activating Piotnet Grid on your WordPress site.

  • Purchasing Piotnet Grid
  • Download Piotnet Grid: Go to > View Details and Downloads > Click piotnetgrid to download file
  • Head over to your site, to the WordPress dashboard, and click on Plugins > Add New. Choose the zip file you have just downloaded. Click on install and activate.
  • After activating the plugin, please go to your WordPress Dashboard > Piotnet Grid > Settings > License Section > Enter your Piotnet Grid account to activate the license and complete installation.

So, now you already have a ready-to-be-used Piotnet Grid on your site.


In addition, for more information about License Management Dashboard, please refer here